I just cleaned up my blogs over an myspace...leaving just a few of the funnier more memorable ones to reflect on. Things are definitely not the same over there. Life as I knew it (in myspace) is no more. A few key people who I felt I connected with are either on Facebook or have dropped off somewhere. I have emails of others who I will contact and hopefully keep in touch. I like the simplicity of Facebook, but hate how boring it is. At least with myspace you visit a profile and each one is radically different from the next. Getting there in one click used to be a problem, now it appears Facebook is lagging much like Myspace was back in the Spring of last year (06). So as I listen to the beautiful voice of Wayne Jackson (http://www.myspace.com/waynejackson or www.waynejackson.de), 'Everything is Beautiful'. I am anxiously waiting for a solo album to hit Itunes or atleast be available here. I was almost tempted to book a flight to Berlin - but now that I am going to put a deposit on a female pug this week, I think my place is at home while I prepare the meeting of Duchess and Silas. Duchess...maybe, maybe not. I want to name her, all my pets have been named by friends, for once I want to name her. And I can't name her Coco.. Gabi (Gabrielle).. oh well, I have a few days to decide. Hopefully all goes well.
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2 weeks ago
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