I would buy a car, pack all my belongings, and hit the road for some soul-searching quest across this planet. Just me and my dog, driving along the open roads, no destination in mind, just driving. I look forward to sitting behind the wheel. For now, I am patiently waiting for my driving instructor to get his calender right and schedule so consistent days with me. I had most of last week off, had a lesson scheduled on Sunday and then on Thursday morning. Sunday, as luck would have it, we had a major snow storm - so no lesson. No problem, John says, see you on Wednesday, I answer, you mean Thursday right? I had to clarify that as I had to work Wednesday. He says yes okay. Wednesday evening, following my first Board meeting for the condo, I arrive home to a flashing message on the answering machine. John calling, he's running late but will be there at 9:30am. Wait a minute, I think. Our lesson is tomorrow. Next message, John calling, he's waiting downstairs, and if I don't show up in the next few minutes he will have to leave. I should call the office to schedule another time and there will probably be a $20 administration charge for a late cancellation. What!? Unbelievable, this is really pissing me off. I fork out $1400 and I can't even get behind the wheel because of one thing or the other. I am really not happy at this point. I have decided that I am going to request another instructor or have them transfer them downtown and have them pick me up at work. I can't learn this way - it will be a waste of time and money on my part.
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2 weeks ago
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