Your Life Path Number is 6 |
Your purpose in life is to help others You are very compassionate, and you offer comfort to those around you. It pains you to see other people hurting, and you do all in your power to help them. You take on responsibility, and don't mind personal sacrifice. You are the ultimate giver. In love, you offer warmth and protection to your partner. You often give too much of yourself, and you rarely put your own needs first. Emotions tend to rule your decisions too much, especially when it comes to love. And while taking care of people is great, make sure to give them room to grow on their own. |
Life Path Number
Web users are "weird
As I read this article, taken from ~ it made me look at my own internet usuage. Hmm, am I heavy Internet user? I do spend an awful lot of time online, sometimes I do wake up and turn the laptop on but no, I'm not that bad.
Stats Can: Web users are "weird"
Juan Pablo de Dovitiis
August 2, 2006
Not so lonely
The Problem of Too Many Friends
Other People's Blogs
I've just found a link to this person's website that for some reason I saved. As I read his blogs, news, I remember why I was fascinated in this person. His name is Peter Forrest. He lives in Ottawa, ON.
As you go through his blog, you almost feel as if you know him. His writing is very flowing, easy to understand, yet, you can tell this person is very artistic, intelligent. I suppose part of me aspires to be as creative. I wonder if he has many friends that consistantly keep up with him. I would hate to think that no one ever visits - unlikely, as he seems he's well connected with many friends and family.
goals for the remainder of summer
~ driver's license for scooter! + safety course.
~ York University course signup, confirm
~ learn how to use Photoshop CS or another programme similar.
~ get a smurfette dj drawing, even if I have to do it myself.
Kevin Carter
A graphic reminder to never ever take life for granted...
Have a close look at both the photographs & read the messages below them. Forwarding this message to as many people as you can. This wouldn't fulfill a wish; nor deleting it will cause any misfortune; but its our moral duty to be concerned...towards humanity.
Kevin Carter
This was found in his diary ,
Dear God, I promise I will never waste my food no matter how bad it can taste and how full I may be. I pray that He will protect this little boy, guide and deliver him away from his misery. I pray that we will be more sensitive towards the world around us and not be blinded by our own selfish nature and interests.
I hope this picture will always serve as a reminder to us that how fortunate we are and that we must never ever take things for granted.
Please don't break.. keep on forwarding to our friends On this good day.. Let's make a prayer for the suffering in anywhere any place around the globe and send this friendly reminder to others; think & look at this...when you complain about your food and the food we waste daily.........
~obviously, this was from a bulletin on MySpace. I was horrified by the thought of that poor child being a vultures' dinner. Happily, William, did come back with some good news, that Kevin did take the child out of harms way. It would have been terrible to leave him/her. Things like this really make me cry, it breaks my heart.
ALEXTEL and other pre-tech toys of mine
Holy schmokes, I HAD one of these things (twice I'm sure!). The first time must have been 1989 or something, and the second time in 1992. I can't remember how much I paid for it on a monthly basis, but I remember talking with some Bell reps from Montreal (they were moderators for the some of the chat rooms). The chat rooms were a step up from the 'party lines' of the late eighties. My cousin and I used to go on them all the time, and met some interesting people out of them. My technology needs seem to have been met throughout my life. [UPDATE: I was saddened to learn that my cousin passed away on her birthday last September, and had missed an opportunity to visit earlier in the summer. I will always have such wonderful memories of the summers we shared. edit: July 28, 2018]
Other tech needs...
More another time...
oh my g-d!!! myspace is driving me crazy
mr clean and cancer
I had a friend tell me this was urban legend or rumour, and sent me to a webpage: I have included some information from the source where I heard (a CBC news program, the woman battling cancer herself, was doing some investigative journalism on products causing cancer).
Begin Quote [
* Some leading brands of household laundry detergent contain trisodium nitrilotriacetate, another IARC 2B carcinogen, and also a wastewater pollutant.
* Moth balls, widely available in retail stores, contain either naphthalene or paradichlorobenzene, both of which are IARC 2B carcinogens. A recent U.S. study linked moth ball use to an increased incidence of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.
* Spray rust paint, a very popular product, often contains toluene and xylene, two chemicals that can have adverse effects on reproduction or cause harm to the developing fetus.
* Many leading perfumes, nail polishes and other cosmetic products sold in Canada contain the endocrine-disrupting phthalates DBP and DEHP, both of which have been banned for use in cosmetic products in European Union countries. ] End Quote
If you went to the snopes site, you would have seen a nice response regarding their product. P&G would say that wouldn't they. Regardless, Smurfette does not use many of these products, relying solely on natural products where possible.
Smurfette: We Smurf's are only at risk of being trampled on or captured by Gargamel, oh, but if all the plants and animals die, well, I guess we'd have no place to hide...
I'd be interested in anyone's thoughts...
myspace sucks
I have been experiencing problems for four days now. I am fed up with it. This morning I thought I lost my profile again, but this time, I just changed my 'top 8' and voila, there it was. On Monday, I logged in, and my profile was gone. Absolutely riduculous. Bullshit about the power outage. the fucking idiot that bought myspace is a fucking gazillionaire, no bloody way, it continues to lag in service. Fucking asshole Murdoch. This guy is a first rate capitalist. Have you seen Outfoxed? Watch it and learn...
Eurovision Song Contest 2006 - Israel
Israels entry to the Eorovision Song Contest 2006 Copyright: EBU / NDR / Das Erste / ARD |
Philosophy and Zionism and Israel
very good video (apparently) |
why do I chose these videos so that after awhile they all get taken down and I am left with a black hole here...
Israel Air Force & Infantry video
6 minutes video i've edited on the Israeli Air Force and 3 infantry units |
Presumably some anti-war thing unless Smurfs are victims of ethnic cleansing I just hadn't heard about it. |
Unicef Smurfs Commercial
The UN children's agency has launched a hard-hitting ad campaign, involving cartoon legends the Smurfs being blown away in a sudden air strike. |
New Music Video From David "The Hoff" Hasselhoff - "Jump In My Car"
That's right, it's Hofficial... your favourite cult icon wants to take you home! The one and only David Hasselhoff of "Bay Watch" and "Knight Rider" fame returns with a cover of the 1975 classic 'Jump In My Car' and its a doozy. Recorded in Sydney last year with the legendary Harry Vanda (AC/DC, The Angels), the Ted Mulry Gang tune has been re-vamped with full Hoff gusto and this music video promises to rock the socks off all his Hofficial fans. Watch it, enjoy it, share it on Google Video, courtesy of Sony BMG Australia. Want more? Buy the buy the track on iTunes Australia by clicking here: |
Paris Hilton's New Music Video "Stars Are Blind"
"Stars Are Blind" is the debut single from heiress, actress, and newly minted pop star Paris Hilton. Watch it now on Google Video, courtesy of Warner Music International. The video was shot on the beach in Malibu, California in May by noted director Chris Applebaum, who also lensed Rihanna's "S.O.S." and Natasha Bedingfield's "Unwritten," as well as Hilton's high-profile Carl's Jr. campaign. "Stars Are Blind" is the lead-off single from Hilton's self-titled debut album, which is due for release by Warner Bros. Records late summer. |
Animusic - Pipe Dream
From the fist Animusic DVD. Pipe Dream has been voted one of the best 3D animation projects ever (by 3D World magazine). Metal balls fly out of PVC pipes, land on percussion and string instruments, and sound out an instrumental piece of music. |
vacation abroad
It was sadly disappointed this time around.
Lately all my trips abroad have been somewhat disappointing. I guess I really must look at why and what's happening with me? I don't know what's wrong, but nothing seems to be pleasing. It takes a movie or television, or jokes to make me laugh.
My life - I can't find anything that makes me happy. There is definitely something wrong.
Pere Lachaise
I love this headstone.
Allan Kardec:
Jim Morrison:
A Sad State of Affairs
I am not familiar with the history of that region, but at first I guess I was influenced by a comment that Israel should be able to protect itself from terrorists. I had someone else tell me that Israel started it all and that they were at fault. I have no idea what the hell is talking about.
Now, I have decided that I would rather not make comments on that whole sitution nor do I want to hear anything about it from a layman who only preaches one side of the story (esp from a Conservative).
1. Outfoxed - more bullshit on I can't even remember his name - Rupert something and his domination over the media - biased views, selective, propaganda - what the hell else is new.
2. Hopscotch - several girls from across the globe are showcased and linked by this game of Hopscotch. The first girls highlighted are from India, one 10 year old girl is already engaged and will marry. Really sad.
Both documentaries were interesting.
how machiavellian are you
You Are Somewhat Machiavellian |
You're not going to mow over everyone to get ahead... But you're also powerful enough to make things happen for yourself. You understand how the world works, even when it's an ugly place. You just don't get ugly yourself - unless you have to! |
how observant are you...
Your Observation Skills Get A C |
You tend to notice the big things in life... But the details aren't exactly your forte |
My Space
I am addicted to MySpace. I've neglected doing my own web page, now I spend all my time looking for 'friends' people who interest me - share interests, and what's really great about this is I am really starting to 'know me' - or rather have a clearer understanding of who I am and what I want. I read all these profiles and I think,g~d this is too weird, I am not the only one or someone else out there likes the same things. its been tremendous in relieving stress from work, I get stressed, I logon, and suddenly I am among 'friends'. Okay, so its a bit stretched - for now, its better than spending money i don't have on ebay or amazon.
silas and long island
that's my Silas, trotting along 'Brighten Beach'. Not exactly how I pictured it, but for March, it was delightful. An absolute pleasure to be WALKING around and was somewhat relaxing. The trip was not worth all the b*crap I had to deal with such as crazy drivers and the company I went with. Note to self, go with someone different next time. I swear, I spent more time in the care than walking anywhere. the person that I went with wasn't much help. It will be the last time I go anywhere with them. What has come out of this trip? My desire to drive! I need to get my license - because next year this time, I want to be able to get in a car and go anywhere!
the MB gang in NFalls
team building session in Niagara Falls... keep it positive. All was okay, the hotel made noises ( i think I might have damaged something when adjusting the shower head, and it made noises)...
the work done was typical - yes, accomplished and unfortunately some thought not really forward thinking.
Berlin in December
Its been awhile since I've returned from my travels before xmas. the weather certainly wasn't what I had expected, but then when is it? Here's a pix of the windmill outside Berlin's Museum of Technology - home to rows of old trains from way back. Another museum been there, done that. Berlin will be on my list of to be lists for this year as the Love Parade finally found a sponsor. So off to Berlin in July I shall go.