I have been feeling very down and upset with everything lately. I feel as if I can't take a day off work without being harassed for information; information which is readily available in a central area that my team should be able to access. WRONG. I don't get how people function around me. I am a fast learner, always have been, and I master any task at hand. It totally sucks when everyone around me praises someone who does nothing, or is the social butterfly of the office, and I'm made to feel like I'm not doing my job.
Fuck off already.
I guess I will get this reaction from anywhere. Perhaps I'm a threat to those who give only 50%, but it's the culture of the organization, cliquey, and dysfunctional. My own position is still only temporary and I feel as if they don't want me. For someone who needs positive feedback ongoing, I get nothing, and therefore my motivation is in the trash.
Should I give a shit? No, if I could I'd tell them to go fuck themselves. This goes for the dumbasses I sit with on a board with my condo. I stepping down from that asap.
Not sure where to go from here. Sometimes I just wish I would just die already.