Beware.. the ides of March is almost upon us. I am in the final weeks of courses and I am getting anxious and overwhelmed with the pressure. I am looking forward to having some free time to read, learn a new language, or even take a general interest course (TESL). I am getting the itch to move away from here, I am not really happy with living in this area anymore. The weather is awful, many of the people I come across are just rude and full of entitlement. Maybe I should just sell up and move elsewhere in the City. I have my boyfriend and between the both of us, we should do well together. But if and when I get this degree, it should be able to open doors for me. I feel unchallenged at work, all the skills I picked up at school, I rarely use in the workplace. I love the people I work with, and the community - but I rarely get a chance to do anything outside the office. I understand the boss needs me around, but I know I could do so much more.
Relationship is good, much better, although there are times when I wonder if I made the right decision. I may be too set in my ways - too independent I guess. Does this scream independence:)
Must-have apps for every traveller
2 weeks ago