
Web users are "weird

As I read this article, taken from pcworld.ca ~ it made me look at my own internet usuage. Hmm, am I heavy Internet user? I do spend an awful lot of time online, sometimes I do wake up and turn the laptop on but no, I'm not that bad.

Stats Can: Web users are "weird"

Juan Pablo de Dovitiis
August 2, 2006

As Stats Can releases information about the "uniqueness" of web users, our very own web addict Juan Pablo de Dovitiis gives his rather different take into what this data really means for Canadian web users.

A new survey by Statistics Canada has dispelled an urban myth which implied that internet users are normal people. In fact, the conclusions of the survey, released last Tuesday, point out that "Heavy internet users lead a considerably different lifestyle than individuals who do not surf the web".

The survey's findings stem from the 2005 General Social Survey, which asked 20,000 respondents over 15 years of age to provide a detailed account of their activities over a 24 hour period. According to the survey, a heavy user is someone who spends more than one hour per day online.

Among the more interesting findings in the study is the fact that heavy Canadian web users spend less time socializing with their spouses, families and friends, while staying more at home and being less interested in outdoor activities. Just as importantly, heavy web surfers also spent less time doing things that the general population takes for granted, such as doing paid work and chores around the home, sleeping, resting or even thinking.

Further proof that web surfers are really friendly sociopaths in disguise comes from the fact they spend "striking" amounts of time alone. For example, according to the survey, moderate internet users (individuals who use the internet five minutes to one hour per day) spend 26 more minutes alone than non-users, while heavy internet users spend a whopping two more hours a day by themselves than their less monkish counterparts.

Not so lonely
However, there is some cause for hope, since the study also points out that it is not a matter of heavy internet users not wanting to interact with others, but rather not wanting to see the people they interact with. By using tools like email or chatrooms, heavy internet users have mastered the art of non-physical interaction, something they had ample practice with, since they are also "more likely to spend time conversing with others over the phone".

Heavy internet users also tend to be about eight years younger than non-users and, in six out of 10 cases, they are male. Perhaps that is the reason this group spends 33 minutes less per day doing domestic chores, such as child care and housekeeping. Not surprisingly, heavy users also spend half an hour less with their spouses and with children than non-users, although the survey does not specify if this is a result of their chatroom addictions or because they are avoiding their loved ones in order to do less house work.

Heavy internet users also tend to have no idea who their neighbours are, and describe their sense of belonging to their community as "somewhat" or "very" weak, although they do tend to have the same number of close relationships as more neighbourly types. This is also somewhat consistent with the fact that they are less likely to engage in physical activities, volunteering or watching sports and movies, while expressing greater enjoyment in participating in clubs and social organizations.

However, heavy internet users make up for their lack of physical prowess by watching just as much TV as non-users, while also reading more newspapers and books. All in all, quite a gargantuan information gathering feat.


The Problem of Too Many Friends

So I have been after my friends to get signed up on MySpace so we can share this experience (pls note the word 'experience'). One did sign up finally, and has seven friends. She hasn't done a thing to her page, hasn't logged on since the 27th. And its not that she doesn't have internet, they do. My beef: if you didn't want to sign up, why did you waste my time in showing you everything, then don't put the effort to learn yourself on what this is all about. I don't jump into something without doing a little backgrounder on it first. I would expect any intelligent person to do this. Okay, so that's fine, whatever. The second one, I had to do the same thing, and I'm like, you hear me talking about this ~ why the hell don't you go on look around and make your own decision if you want sign up. She's all excited about the idea of doing something, however, what they both don't realise is - its a networking, social community, much like MSN, AOL etc. In other words, a place to meet people. I admit, the idea of getting as many friends was inviting, and I eagerly spent a few days - clicking add me, add me, and building up my 'friends'. It was not until I actually started to get to know people, that I realised, its hard to keep up with hundreds of people, and eventually created a second profile for fun crazy nuts stuff. I chose people based on common interests, spending time looking for people who I thought I would click with, and the choices have all been 'bang' on. That's over six months or more. So here comes, new friend # 2, starts clicking away at all my 'choice' friends, with absolutely no thought as to how I would feel esp when one of them is someone who I am actively pursuing. There is no wrong with that, but I don't like sharing - I'm selfish (hey at least I'm honest!). Maybe I should have kept my space mine. Am I being a jealous bitch, no, but its like copying someone's space and claiming it as your own. So that's my rant for today... (yeah, stupid now...)


Other People's Blogs

I've just found a link to this person's website that for some reason I saved. As I read his blogs, news, I remember why I was fascinated in this person. His name is Peter Forrest. He lives in Ottawa, ON.

As you go through his blog, you almost feel as if you know him. His writing is very flowing, easy to understand, yet, you can tell this person is very artistic, intelligent. I suppose part of me aspires to be as creative. I wonder if he has many friends that consistantly keep up with him. I would hate to think that no one ever visits - unlikely, as he seems he's well connected with many friends and family.

goals for the remainder of summer

~ driver's license for scooter! + safety course.
~ York University course signup, confirm
~ learn how to use Photoshop CS or another programme similar.
~ get a smurfette dj drawing, even if I have to do it myself.

Kevin Carter

A graphic reminder to never ever take life for granted...

Have a close look at both the photographs & read the messages below them. Forwarding this message to as many people as you can. This wouldn't fulfill a wish; nor deleting it will cause any misfortune; but its our moral duty to be concerned...towards humanity.

Image Hosted by ImageShack.us

Kevin Carter
Image Hosted by ImageShack.us

This was found in his diary ,

Dear God, I promise I will never waste my food no matter how bad it can taste and how full I may be. I pray that He will protect this little boy, guide and deliver him away from his misery. I pray that we will be more sensitive towards the world around us and not be blinded by our own selfish nature and interests.
I hope this picture will always serve as a reminder to us that how fortunate we are and that we must never ever take things for granted.

Please don't break.. keep on forwarding to our friends On this good day.. Let's make a prayer for the suffering in anywhere any place around the globe and send this friendly reminder to others; think & look at this...when you complain about your food and the food we waste daily.........

~obviously, this was from a bulletin on MySpace. I was horrified by the thought of that poor child being a vultures' dinner. Happily, William, did come back with some good news, that Kevin did take the child out of harms way. It would have been terrible to leave him/her. Things like this really make me cry, it breaks my heart.