I sent a bulletin today regarding without really reading the whole thing, but added a couple of products which I understood to contain harmful chemicals.
I had a friend tell me this was urban legend or rumour, and sent me to a webpage: www.snopes.com. I have included some information from the source where I heard (a CBC news program, the woman battling cancer herself, was doing some investigative journalism on products causing cancer).
http://www.snopes.com/medical/toxins/toxins.asp but for the Mr Clean erasers: Mr Clean Erasers
Since I don't want to risk a $300 reprint fee these folks say they'll charge for ANYONE who reprints any information... check the website yourself. Seriously, anyone who would dare to do that - has some serious issues considering they get their info from the spam/emails and inquiries are free from products.
Begin Quote [
Every year, Canadians are exposed to potentially-cancer causing chemicals in the food they eat and in the household products they use — often without any knowledge of that exposure. For example:
* At least nine different consumer pesticide products contain ingredients listed by the International Agency for Research on Cancer as possible human carcinogens (IARC Group 2B). Another four products contain ingredients listed in California as “substances known to the state of California to cause reproductive toxicity.” None of the hazards is listed on the product labels.
* Some leading brands of household laundry detergent contain trisodium nitrilotriacetate, another IARC 2B carcinogen, and also a wastewater pollutant.
* Moth balls, widely available in retail stores, contain either naphthalene or paradichlorobenzene, both of which are IARC 2B carcinogens. A recent U.S. study linked moth ball use to an increased incidence of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.
* Spray rust paint, a very popular product, often contains toluene and xylene, two chemicals that can have adverse effects on reproduction or cause harm to the developing fetus.
* Many leading perfumes, nail polishes and other cosmetic products sold in Canada contain the endocrine-disrupting phthalates DBP and DEHP, both of which have been banned for use in cosmetic products in European Union countries. ] End Quote
If you went to the snopes site, you would have seen a nice response regarding their product. P&G would say that wouldn't they. Regardless, Smurfette does not use many of these products, relying solely on natural products where possible.
OOC: Recently I did a mini-family tree, and identified diseases that claimed lives in my family. Surprisingly, only two people out of all my relations (close to about 80 that I can document) have died of cancer, and this occurred within the past 30 years. I believe as more of these useless products are made available and used by the general public, more people will suffer from cancer causing illnesses. As well, they do major damage to the environment. Mankind is killing mankind.
Smurfette: We Smurf's are only at risk of being trampled on or captured by Gargamel, oh, but if all the plants and animals die, well, I guess we'd have no place to hide...
I'd be interested in anyone's thoughts...