So I watched another episode of the incredible lives of the Gotti gang on A&E. Honestly, I do not know why I continue to watch this show. Its hilariously funny and stupid!? I think anything there is anything on TV that is linked to any mafiosa, well expect delays. A prime example - the Soprano's. Where the hell are they at? Its been a year or two since the last season! what do they expect? that we should all wait around for the next season to be finally aired? I pitty the person that unfortunately dies before this season aires.
As for Vicky, she's gotti have a magazini herself! I think its already in the works, I seem to recall her holding some mag back in season two starter, I saw a R-d lettering - but the mag was kind of blurred or covered. At first I thought it was some English magazine, but now, when she said 'Red Carpet Life' last eve, as the possible name for the mag, well its all clear now!
I wouldn't be surprised if she brought over that Ok! mag from the Brits.. typical Americans, always doing what the Brits do, but in triplets! Never to be outdone by anyone. It will be the downfall of america...(mags of course!)
Gotti Goes Tanning
Indian Summer
So as I sit here in my cold office, looking out at *** Gardens, I wish I were at home. Now the boss has just come in letting me know that they will be working from home. Nice. Now I can go for a walk to the mall and look for some boots! Yahoo... I love my job :-)
Christmas in Berlin 2001
One thing I noticed in Berlin, they have these neat blinds that come down 'outside the home'! That's a switch, and seems more logical to me. Their hotwater heater in the bathroom area, doubles as a tower drier (looks rather nicer compared to those ugly ancient ones here in my place.) I haven't seen them anywhere, and i am sure if I ever had a place that had those, I would inquire about upgrading. I wonder if they are more energy efficient? The germans are so good and conscientious towards the environment, its surprising that other nations (esp us nord americans) haven't adopted this? We've been recycling here since the late eighties, and I am surprised to come to the USA and not see it widely accepted. Ignorance, no regard to anyone else.
I read a post today, this woman, unfortunately lives on the west coast where are the fires are burning, and comments on 'what the world is coming to: 'mentioning, flooding, hurricanes and fires' - the fact that in her eyes, 'the world being referred to is her country, the US of Amerika. Interesting how differing the views are between Kanada and the US are. I would have said something, what is this country coming to, or in addition to the fires etc, I would have thrown some actually atrocities occuring outside the usa.
As I prepare for my trip in December, I am trying to gather as much information as possible. und natürlich, ich habe keine zeit! Zu viel places to see, an so little time..So this recipe would be appropriate starting in the first day after of advent through to the 24th December. 'When the chill sets in, it's time for a hot drink. In Germany and Austria, one of the most popular beverages at this time of the year is Glühwein.
You will need: 1 bottle of red wine, 100 ml water (about 0.1 quart); 5 g of sugar (less than 2 ozs), 2 -3 cloves, 1/2 peeled lemon, 1 stick cinnamon.
Directions: Boil cinnamon, sugar, and cloves in water. Turn of heat. Strain the water after 25 -30 mins. Add wine to water. Heat wine - but don't boil (boiling removes the alcohol). Add lemon. And serve in a BIG mug!
the adventures of silas
silas goes to doggy daycare - okay, so he had the unfortunate experience of going under the knife whilst I walk to streets of Manhattan (along with two co-workers) for one incredibly short trip (not to mention hellish day with one of the most boring person I have ever met) of two days?! don't ask, I am still dealing with the disappointment of going with the two aquaintences, a lesson I have learned and a mistake not to be made again. So poor Silas, I don't know who faired better, me or him. He actually started daycare two weeks later. I thought it would be a good idea for him since he spent quite a bit of time alone. All day I kept wondering what is he up to? I wonder if he's being nice to the woman (helen). By the end of the day, I rushed out of work to quickly pick him up.. I walked into the storefront, looked over the counter (think of those old western movies - banks, with the bars in front, that's what this place looked like. I gazed past the wooden bars, to see silas barking and standing on his hind legs with the other dogs, who were much bigger than him! It was hilarious, and I don't think he recognised me at first. Not until he came out from behind. that night, he slept for the rest of the night, no problems whatsoever. this was brilliant, I should have done this sooner. he goes for a couple of days a week (when i think I can afford the five days, i may do this).
pictured above, here he is with his halloween hat, already for the end of the month...
winter in europe

I have booked a trip to germany (via amsterdam) this december. I don't know if I will enjoy the weather so much as the christkindl markets that happen all over germany and austria this time of the year. It will be something to leave kanada for even just a brief while, just to get away from what I call my miserable life.
I am majorly stressed from work. I am off for practically the whole month, and I don't care if someone else wanted to take time of. It sucks where I work, the people I work with sit on their brains, 'cause since i have been there, the place has not progressed. And no, it's not my fault, I can't be expected to do EVERYONE's job (its bad enough I already do about three people's). So mein freund is taking a few days off, so this will be good. I will then leave berlin, head south to wien (vienna) austria, stay for a couple of days, hop on the train to münchen (nürnberg) for some more festive treats, finally ending up in amsterdam for a few days before flying back to t.o.
total travel days = 4 / 16 days. not bad.
What I Did Over The Summer
I am thinking of studying German again, I will be taking a vacation there in December, so I would like to have some german behind me to get by auf alone.
Flooding in N'awlins, really bad stuff. I don't know too much as i haven't been keeping up with the news.
Happy Birthday
Karl Lagerfeld is A Genius!

Silas (aka 'silly ass')
Here is my dog Silas doing what he does best - nosing around at everything and anything. I got Silas as an early xmas gift to myself last December 2004, from a breeder in Norland, Ontario. He is a purebred Pug, however, he seems to have long legs compared to other pugs I've seen. Not that it matters because he is the best thing that has happened to me in a long time. I've decided that right now I do not have time for a relationship, so natürlich, ich entschied einen Hund zu kaufen. Ja, ich muss auf Deutsch zu schreiben üben. But of course, I am using Babels' online translator along with a dictionary (PONS) and relying on my memory of one & 1/2 semesters of German language from Goethe Institute on King St. in Toronto. I had met a german guy from Berlin, a friendship. After two years, of using AIM, letters, postcards, and of course, emails, I finally got the nerve to travel by myself to Europe, with a special stop in Berlin to visit this guy. It was great. Any fears I had disappeared within minutes. Andreas is quite the character. I have learned many things by him. oh Berlin, I miss you very much.
I've had my Louis' and Gucci's sitting in my closets for 10 years, occasionally taking them out for air once in awhile. Now, I have the wannabes carrying the fakes or 'vintage' - fakes - walking everywhere.. I was even shocked to see how they sell them outside or near areas where the real thing is sold.. (in Venizia, Napoli, and Sorrento...)
Life Skills Coach Training
Finally, it is over!!! I just spent a week [July 11 - 15th, 2005] attending this intensive facilitation course at the ywca here in Toronto. I am impressed that I even completed it (however, I did feel the urge to take off mid-week, but stuck it out) The heat wave didn't help matters. Met some really nice folks, and was able to step back and look at things differently. My job: although it didn't seem like much (which I guess I sort of preferred) was some printing, designing handouts, very brief presentation (which didn't involve too much) and naturlich, i messed it up. later..
Sopranos: when the hell are you coming back to TV? Is this a mob thing? Repeats and delays like crazy... see below.
I am so tired of listening to Victoria Gotti go on about her 'boys'. When this show first started, I totally wanted to see what these Gotti's and her family were like, sure I was curious. Now, after watching repeats after repeats, I am not liking it anymore. Especially the commentary by Victoria, how she goes on about nothing, her voice is just so bland. Does she still work at Star Magazine? I haven't seen her writing in the mag's - not that I read the thing, just for the pix, I like to see what everyone's wearing. So, Vic tends to wear White or Black. Apparently she has extensions, which is disappointing cause I liked her hair. I love her Louis bag, and am considering getting something like that . I am glad they introduced 'Robert' into the show - he's quite funny, along with Luigi aka the 'Count' Luigi de Marco from Rome. sure, whatever. I think there is supposed to be one more season, and now she is moving from her mansion because she's lacking in privacy. Geez, what did you expect?! I am intrigued by the whole mafiosa thing, however, this show is too kookie to even try to associate them with the Mob, which may be their intent, but I don't really think that this family is close to normal. Her sons annoy the hell out of me, but they are young. okay. bring on some more.
I like this show. I have to disagree with some comments written up about how this was done, misleading the participants. Interventions are like that. If you need to put on a farce to get them to the intervention, then so be it. The fact that the participants have already admitted to having a problem and willing to be in some documentary on addictions, why should there be any legal consequences for the producers if at the end, they are offered the opportunity to get better? These people are in a documentary, and like any talk show that brings people on for one reason (springer-esque) and then present something totally different to them, only to have all kinds of crap occur as a result? So I disagree with the reviews of some newspapers that say this is a crappy show, I think its real, and also, I don't think the world needs to see the time in rehab because everyone is different (this was commented when at the end of the show, they only show their progress after several months, have you ever seen someone in major withdrawal from, say, crack/cocaine/heroin? Nor I, but I hear its NOT a pretty sight.)
The Commonwealth of the Bahamas, as they are officially known, is made up of some 700 islands and 2,500 cays or islets scattered over 750 miles of the Atlantic Ocean. This 100,000 sq./mile archipelago begins about 50 miles due east of West Palm Beach, Florida, where Freeport on the island of Grand Bahama is located, and extends lazily some 500 miles sourtheastward, finally ending among the Turks & Caicos Islands [another Caribbean no-tax haven, geographically (but not politically) part of the Bahamas]. Only about 25 of the Bahama islands are inhabited, and three-fourths of the people reside on just two islands - New Providence (where Nassau the Capital is located) and Grand Bahama Island (Freeport). The Bahamas - The Perfect No-tax Haven: has one of the largest volumes of tax haven business in the world. There is no personal or corporate income tax, no capital gains tax, no withholding tax, no inheritance tax, no death duties, no employment taxes, no sales taxes, and no probate fees in the Bahamas. Corporations, individuals, partnerships, trusts, and estates (including nonresident controlled Bahamian corporations) all enjoy this immunity. The principal source of revenue for the government comes from company registration fees and customs duties. [source: Tax Havens]
Just like the Swiss with their numbered accounts, privacy and confidentiality rules/laws, not so for those drug dealers trying to hide dosh. Whatever, Bahamas sounds wonderful, no taxes! I have just finished my taxes ( I do them myself). I don't think I will ever come out better than when I was collecting government assistance. The more money I make, the less money I take home, the more taxes I pay, and less money available to invest. I am the real loser when it comes to taxes. Myself, and numerous others who just can't get ahead. It's time to consider a new locale. This country lacks balls and run by a bunch aging politians who are probably operating with only a few brain cells. Honestly, elections are a waste of time, considering the choice of candidates are few and the parties they represent are all out to please everyone. Impossible, what the hell is wrong with everyone! G-d is on a rampage throughout this world and we all should be attentive to this rath. It never amazes me how the most decent, well-respected persons can be dirt within 10mins of hearing a news story on the local news broadcast. I can't stand the news anymore, I'd sooner watch dumb infomercials or tv ads, both are more informative.
One year later...
Now, it will be just a little difficult to get about - F. has a car now. It's been handy for going back and forth to work. Now, I will or may have to get used to going by public transit to work.
I want to go to Paris this summer, maybe meet up Andreas and go back to Berlin for a little while. I am trying to save so that I may take extra time off and spend a month over there. I figure if I can save two enough for two months, I should be okay. I was thinking of going to Asia, but in the summer I am sure it must be bloody hot or rainy (more so later in the fall). Either way, I would think around this time might be better.
Funny, how this time of the year, everyone is off to some other place in the world, so why is it that this has got to be the worst place to be during Jan - March? Näturlich, ich habe nicht 'luck'. Well, ich muss jetzt gehen.