I have booked a trip to germany (via amsterdam) this december. I don't know if I will enjoy the weather so much as the christkindl markets that happen all over germany and austria this time of the year. It will be something to leave kanada for even just a brief while, just to get away from what I call my miserable life.
I am majorly stressed from work. I am off for practically the whole month, and I don't care if someone else wanted to take time of. It sucks where I work, the people I work with sit on their brains, 'cause since i have been there, the place has not progressed. And no, it's not my fault, I can't be expected to do EVERYONE's job (its bad enough I already do about three people's). So mein freund is taking a few days off, so this will be good. I will then leave berlin, head south to wien (vienna) austria, stay for a couple of days, hop on the train to münchen (nürnberg) for some more festive treats, finally ending up in amsterdam for a few days before flying back to t.o.
total travel days = 4 / 16 days. not bad.