My visit to Berlin almost was delayed due to striking French workers on the Thalys line. This was averted thankfully! I remember waiting at Gare du Nord and noticing the delays of 1 hour of trains coming from the north due to striking workers blocking the tracks. I had heard about the issue regarding the age of retirement and the govts stance on raising that to 62... politics follows me everywhere I go.
The train ride was brilliant because it was the only ride that had wifi and I could use my itouch to check in with my facebook and twitter friends. Eight hours later, I arrived in Berlin to meet my friend (who I was totally in love with once upon a time) and he was brilliant. I returned to Berlin at least 20lbs heavier and he was greyer and losing some of his hair. We are both aging, who am I kidding? I met him back in 1998 ala AOL chat and message boards and we are still friends. I adore him but I don't think I could ever have a relationship with him. He's content with doing what he's doing, while I want to do much more! I thought at one time we would marry and have children (his parent's seemed to think this would happen as well) but he didn't give off any signs that this is what he wanted - so I've backed away. I don't want to settle for the next best thing even though I love Berlin and I love his family and I think (from a German perspective) I think they are open to me becoming one of their family, I don't think he's over China or doesn't want to let China go. (China is some girl he met and moved in with, who scammed him some money and then her visa ran out and had to return to China, now she is thinking of returning, and I think he wants her back). I mean, in the scope of things, wouldn't you want a girl from Canada who has her own place, vehicle, job and could support herself than someone who wants to sponge off of you?
Anyhow, it was great to be back in Berlin. I was able to pick up some contacts for a report I was doing on tourism and attacting tours to Canada. I was doing a research project on behalf of a company that will be looking to attract German tourists. I haven't been paid for this project but am compiling a report and hopefully will get some payment. I am trying to start my own business and its very hard due to the other jokers who are being paid to consult to this Aboriginal community. I'm learning the language with a desire to work in Berlin.. but I don't think much will come of this unless I can get someone on the inside to help.
Must-have apps for every traveller
2 weeks ago
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