
National Executive of the Liberal Party of Canada

Who are these people?
With the exception of M.I and Doug Ferguson, who's name I recognise from party emails, I don't know any of these people. I think if I want to get involved in the Liberal party, I'd like to know about the structure...

Interim Leader Michael Ignatieff
National President Douglas Ferguson
National Director Rocco Rossi
National Vice-President (English) Mike Crawley
National Vice-President (French) Brigitte Legault
National Policy Chair Joan Bourassa
National Membership Secretary Robert Hamish Jamieson
Past National President Mike Eizenga
President, Liberal Party of Newfoundland & Labrador Danny Dumaresque
President, Liberal Party of Prince Edward Island Barrie Harris
President, Nova Scotia Liberal Party Derek Wells
President, New Brunswick Liberal Association Britt Dysart
President, Liberal Party of Canada (Québec) Robert Fragasso
Executive Vice-President, LPC (O) Meredith Caplan
President, Liberal Party of Canada (Manitoba) Sharon MacArthur
President, Saskatchewan Liberal Association Frank Proto
President, Liberal Party of Canada (Alberta) George Hodgson
President, Liberal Party of Canada (British Columbia) Craig Munroe
President, Liberal Party of Canada (Yukon) Christie Richardson
President, Western Arctic Liberal Association Lana Roeland
President, Nunavut Ranbir Hundal
Caucus Representative Anthony Rota
Co-Chair, Aboriginal Peoples Commission Joshua Fraser
President, National Women’s Liberal Commission Nicole Foster Woollatt
President, Young Liberals of Canada Cory Pike
Co-Chair, Senior Liberals' Commission Catherine Ryan
Chief Financial Officer John M. Duffy
National Revenue Chair Herb Metcalfe
CEO, Federal Liberal Agency of Canada Patrick A. Ryan
National Campaign Co-Chair David Smith
National Campaign Co-Chair Marcelle Mersereau
Constitutional and Legal Adviser Johanne Brodeur
Constitutional and Legal Adviser Martin MacLachlan

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