I have been sitting on an assignment for a couple of weeks, not sure how to go about it. The first problem was finally settling on a topic. I chose Human Rights and the Development Trade Off. My understanding of this is the problems with developing in third world countries and the lack of human rights afforded to workers - on one hand you have a company who is willing to build a factory (for example), which creates jobs, brings money into the community/country/economy - and it would seem all good for all. On the other hand, you have a company (most likely a multi-million/billion dollar conglomerate who will go in and offer less than minimum wage, utilise children in their plants or factories - so where do you draw the line?
Culture or Rights - who's right?
A different way to look at this is who are we to say what is right or wrong? Why is it that our way of doing things is far superior or better for all than a country on the other side of the world? I had not really given much thought about this before until it was brought to my attention by two sources - my Human Rights teacher and an author (Malcolm ? - Tipping Point, Blink...) who states that cultural values of countries outside the 'West' are better in raising children with better work ethics (or approach to problems and finding solutions) - in relation to success, self-esteem, etc, in particular, offered this reason for why Asian children are better at math than the kid from Oshawa or Toronto.
So my problem is this: in answering or writing an essay on this topic, what approach will I use and what will I argue about? And how can I relate/link to Indigenous Peoples. Initially, I thought about tying in Ontario's Duty to Consult policy with First Nation communities and natural resources.
More to come....
Must-have apps for every traveller
2 weeks ago
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