I've just returned from a short - 1 week - visit to London. Overall, I don't rate it high on my list of top places I've been to. It was too chaotic, too many tourists, too expensive (lacking quality) and found it lacked any class or culture. I felt as if I just visited a trailor park for a week. Anyhow, a few things I did notice - the presence of CCTV camera's set up everywhere you went. Walking down the street, in stores, in transit (buses, trains, walkways) - I think the only place not touched were the toilets (one would hope). My work place recently installed some security camera's and every time I walk by one - I can't help but notice it. I am always looking up at it - knowing full well that no one is looking at us - its main purpose is for after hours activity when no one is in the building. I know this but yet, I still get nervous and suspicious of those cameras' and who might be watching. What a terrible thing to live in London with all those camera's watching everyone all the time - in the buses, everyone heads for the top level and the first thing one see's is a camera staring right at you. What is it about camera's that make me feel as if I am a criminal? I am not doing anything wrong but in a foreign country - who knows what people will do with those images. This is probably why I feel as if Britain and America are both in the same boat when it comes to security- and this is probably why I didn't like Britain as much as I thought I would. Some have an arrogance about them that is very similar to American's. When I see how they operate, it's no wonder they have amassed huge museums worth of goods stolen by its conquered countries. It's disgusting - perhaps, I thought too much about this fact. I refused to go into any of the 'free entry' museums because they only charge you to see any exhibits on loan by another institution. Oh I don't know what I am talking about - I'm just rambling again.
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2 weeks ago
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