Daily Lift #314 See Frustrations in Perspective A basic reason we get angry is because we exaggerate the importance of things. When we realize that something is trivial and unimportant, we don't become angry. Whenever you feel angry about something, try to see how petty the matter is in the big picture. The vast majority of occurrences fall into this category. Keep in mind that we are in this world for a very short time, and the things that upset us are of minor importance in the entire scheme of the universe. (Erech Apayim ,p.94; Rabbi Pliskin's Gateway to Happiness, p .202-3) Daily Lift #312 Boost Your Self-Esteem Objectively People with low self-esteem are frequently very good people by objective standards, but have high aspirations and hence feel frustrated in not reaching their lofty goals. Since they are not perfect, they consider themselves failures and this leads to many negative consequences. (Rabbi Pliskin's Gateway to Happiness, p.132) Daily Lift #311 Feel Joy In Overcoming Obstacles A powerful general will prefer difficult military assignments because he wants to show his strength and abilities when he is victorious. (see Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto - Path of the Just, ch.19) Daily Lift #308 Don't Let Materialism Distract You A man once said to the Chafetz Chaim, "Rabbi, I have just bought a lottery ticket. Could you please give me a blessing that I will win, since the money I acquire will enable me to study Torah with peace of mind." The Chafetz Chaim gently blessed him, "May the Almighty help you study Torah with peace of mind." The man was disappointed that the Chafetz Chaim did not give him a blessing to win the lottery. It occurred to him that perhaps the Chafetz Chaim did not hear him exactly, so he repeated - this time in a louder voice - that he would like a blessing to win the lottery. Very calmly the Chafetz Chaim reiterated the same blessing, word for word as before. Today, ask yourself: Are my material possessions in any way distracting me from the real goals of life? (see HaChafetz Chaim, vol.3, p.1141; Gateway to Happiness, pp.76-7)
It is important for such people to realize they are thinking in either/or terms: "Either I am perfect, or else I am a failure."
In truth, each area of behavior and personality has numerous levels along a continuum. If you are not perfect, you need not rate yourself as a failure. Focus on improvement, instead of absolute perfection.
It is worthwhile for a person with low self-esteem to write a list of the minimum standards of a basically good person. He is then able to see more objectively whether or not he is meeting those standards.
Similarly, if you feel strong love for another person, you will experience joy when you find opportunities to express the full extent of love for that person.
So, too, when you have a strong love for the Almighty, the greater the obstacles in your path when trying to serve Him, the more joy you will experience - because this is an opportunity to show the strength of your commitment.
The next time you face an obstacle, focus on the fact that this enables you to feel greater love for the Almighty. Feel a sense of joy and empowerment that you can express your love by overcoming obstacles.
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