I love online services! Let's face it, with all those telephone prompts one has to go through just to get a cs rep (especially if the '0' doesn't work), an online presence is my ideal way to go. Up until about a year ago, I never had any problems with accessing Rogers customer service through their online portal at rogers.com. I made payments, collected my bills, changed services, everything. That was then, and this is now. I don't know how many times I've tried to login and have issues. When I am able to access my account, g~d forbid I'd want to pay a bill! The system is ALWAYS having issues - and am prompted to call their cs number. So I almost always contact via their online form complaining, and copy and pasting to the various departments because the issue deals with all of them (cellular, cable, internet, billing, website). I usually get a quick response with a reference number and the first and last initial of the person handling the complaint. After a few months of going back and forth with cs emails, I started to wonder if there was an actual person on the other end - I haven't figured this out, but really, on one email I sent, I went into one long rant about snow, lugging things around, how the city where I lived must thing everyone drives, requesting danger pay to return a box to the rogers video and when I will get a new one delivered to me - blah blah blah. The response was very precise, someone like you would here on their voice automated cs. "I understand you are having Internet {or cellular or billing} problems, let me get a customer service rep to help you. Please say what the nature of your call is about, if it is a billing problem, say 'billing'." Well you get the picture. This is how my cs emails have looked like. So there you have it. I am writing this because I have just tried to get online to the rogers site, and it keeps telling me to login, my login timed out. Bastards, probably locked me out permanently. I think I am going to cancel everything.
Must-have apps for every traveller
2 weeks ago
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