
I can't believe I just watched 2mins of this video

I don't even want to embed it here. Its horrible, when I saw them cutting the head of a poor cat - that was it. I couldn't watch anymore. I have been hearing about this for years and I really thought that the Chinese government would have put a stop to this (esp with the Olympics coming up/ tourists/ etc...) Anyhow, I am so fed up with China. i am tired of all the bullshit crap that is exported from there. Just today I watched a documentary on the Mardi Gras beads that all those people down in New Orleans go crazy over - are manufactured in China with chemicals/materials that if melted apparently cause cancer (okay, what else is new). The working conditions are horrible, anyone who demonstrates are arrested. What a screwed up country. and what's more screwed up are the dumbass people that continue to buy shit from that country because its cheaper.

http://sirius.2kat.net/ - Sirius Global Animal Organisation - about the atrocities in China.

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