
the Power Within

Yesterday, I was one of what seemed like thousands of people who turned out to hear William Jefferson Clinton. I was very much impressed with his message ~ and it could not come at a better time. I mentioned a lot of statistical information (far too much too many stats to repeat here) and it only brought to light his message. I am guessing he is on a book tour as they were selling his book, "Giving, How Each of Us Can Change The World'. In other words, as private citizens, don't wait for the government to do something or the private corporations; we should be the ones"... to seek out what each of us, "regardless of income, available time, age, and skills", can do to help, to give people a chance to live out their dreams." I was inspired.

The book can be purchased from amazon.ca for only $14.97! (and free shipping if you purchase $39 or more).

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