
A Sad State of Affairs

This past week lots of MySpace bulletins were calling for peace in the Middle East, more specific, Lebanon and Israel.

I am not familiar with the history of that region, but at first I guess I was influenced by a comment that Israel should be able to protect itself from terrorists. I had someone else tell me that Israel started it all and that they were at fault. I have no idea what the hell is talking about.

Now, I have decided that I would rather not make comments on that whole sitution nor do I want to hear anything about it from a layman who only preaches one side of the story (esp from a Conservative).


1. Outfoxed - more bullshit on I can't even remember his name - Rupert something and his domination over the media - biased views, selective, propaganda - what the hell else is new.

2. Hopscotch - several girls from across the globe are showcased and linked by this game of Hopscotch. The first girls highlighted are from India, one 10 year old girl is already engaged and will marry. Really sad.

Both documentaries were interesting.

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