
Christmas in Berlin 2001

In 2001, New Years Eve, Berlin, I remember having to stand in front of the Brandenburger Tor, waiting for the fireworks and drinking this stuff to keep warm. I had to keep moving or push someone away from those heated stalls/tables (you know the kind - standing room only type of setting). Well, I was frozen, I literally felt those cold Siberian winds blowing down on me. My feet had lost feeling, and this was gradually moving up to my legs. I sorry, I said to Andreas, I have to go, I can't stand this cold anymore. Walked towards Potsdamer Platz, to catch the S-Bahn / U-bahn home (or his flat). Had to duck the firecrakers being thrown by the young 'crackers' who insisted on letting this fly, while people walked down stairs to get to their trains. Amazingly, I survived, however, crossing traffic in Rome may have proven to be a safer bet. They had absolutely no concern! They walk around with their big bottles of beer, drinking, laughing, and what's most distrubing, mein german sucks at that time, so I wouldn't know if they were saying anything rude to me. Get back to his quiet nicer area of Berlin, Zehlendorf, the former American zone of a divided berlin, to his flat. Once again, encountered more firecrakers. Another trip to avoid being hit.

One thing I noticed in Berlin, they have these neat blinds that come down 'outside the home'! That's a switch, and seems more logical to me. Their hotwater heater in the bathroom area, doubles as a tower drier (looks rather nicer compared to those ugly ancient ones here in my place.) I haven't seen them anywhere, and i am sure if I ever had a place that had those, I would inquire about upgrading. I wonder if they are more energy efficient? The germans are so good and conscientious towards the environment, its surprising that other nations (esp us nord americans) haven't adopted this? We've been recycling here since the late eighties, and I am surprised to come to the USA and not see it widely accepted. Ignorance, no regard to anyone else.

I read a post today, this woman, unfortunately lives on the west coast where are the fires are burning, and comments on 'what the world is coming to: 'mentioning, flooding, hurricanes and fires' - the fact that in her eyes, 'the world being referred to is her country, the US of Amerika. Interesting how differing the views are between Kanada and the US are. I would have said something, what is this country coming to, or in addition to the fires etc, I would have thrown some actually atrocities occuring outside the usa.

Okay, so I go a bit off topic, originally, I had intended to put this recipe but memories of my first christmas in berlin, I had to share... so, here's the recipe: From: www.dw-world.de - Culture & Lifestyle Deutsche Welle

As I prepare for my trip in December, I am trying to gather as much information as possible. und natürlich, ich habe keine zeit! Zu viel places to see, an so little time..So this recipe would be appropriate starting in the first day after of advent through to the 24th December. 'When the chill sets in, it's time for a hot drink. In Germany and Austria, one of the most popular beverages at this time of the year is Glühwein.

You will need: 1 bottle of red wine, 100 ml water (about 0.1 quart); 5 g of sugar (less than 2 ozs), 2 -3 cloves, 1/2 peeled lemon, 1 stick cinnamon.
Directions: Boil cinnamon, sugar, and cloves in water. Turn of heat. Strain the water after 25 -30 mins. Add wine to water. Heat wine - but don't boil (boiling removes the alcohol). Add lemon. And serve in a BIG mug!

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