
oops, sorry, that was my friend Marlon's myspace...


Listening to MOS Clubbers Guide to Ibiza 2002...wow, that was an amazing disk...


"Finley: 'a very significant need' to upgrade the quality of social housing across Canada." ... another no-brainer observation


oops, he did it again!

Thank you Stephen Harper, for delivering another lie and leaving many more wondering when will your madness stop! A $64 Billion deficit over the next two years?! Oh and the 18 130K per year salaries was a necessary action right? [that's 2.34 Million before expenses per YEAR!]

"Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff accused Prime Minister Stephen Harper of playing political games on Friday, calling the leaking of information from next week's federal budget a deliberate attempt "to get the bad news out of the way." From CBC.ca

Something tells me that no coalition government will come to light, and Canadians will continue having to put up with this nonsense



I have started to think about decorating my place again... this time, small steps - first up are paint samples. I am going for a very neutral beige or grey colours, warm colours. I came across a picture of some new condo models and loved the look of the walls, with black frames, silver appliances and a beautiful hard wood (or bamboo) flooring. I envision having a lime green (light) colour tiles for the backsplash in the kitchen and a wood (perhaps dark) doors on the cabinetry. The last thing I will do is replace the carpeting in the hallway and living room with a flooring that can stand Silas's nails (i.e., will not scratch easily). Otherwise, I will get an area carpet - preferably a persian type one - with deep reds and beige. I guess I am thinking cinnamon and spice - India.


Rick's rant (13/01/09) http://ping.fm/xWcwI

Rick Mercer's Rant - Jan 13, 2009