
Truth and Reconcilliation Commission

The commission is an official independent body that will provide former students — and anyone who has been affected by the Indian Residential School legacy — with an opportunity to share their individual experiences in a safe and culturally appropriate manner. It will be an opportunity for people to tell their stories about a significant part of Canadian history that is still unknown to most Canadians.

The purpose of the commission is not to determine guilt or innocence, but to create a historical account of the residential schools, help people to heal, and encourage reconciliation between aboriginals and non-aboriginal Canadians. The commission will also host events across the country to raise awareness about the residential school system and its impact. (source: cbc website)

Nothing like the CBC to publish a story about Aboriginal people and all the bigots and racists come out.

It seems that there is still a lot of misunderstanding about Aboriginal issues in general. I really do not know why the government does nothing to education society on Aboriginal issues. As I continue to learn about my history, I become more furious by some of the comments by the average CBC user on how aboriginal people should just get over it and move on. Perhaps Europeans wanted to leave behind their culture and start a new, why do we have to leave our culture and way of life? One commenter pointed out the obvious - there are LEGAL binding agreements in place, something that the government continues to use our tax payers dollars to get of honouring them.

Silly canadian immigrants (all NON anishnawbe) - who the hell do they think they are? How in g~ds' name can anyone survive under a system who's primary purpose is very similar to Hitler's Final Solution - only a longer, drained out one costing more money. In fact, I've read that the engineers of Hitlers camps came from the 'reserves' that Canada implemented.

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