
Smurfette on Scooter Travels

Smurfette visits Milan's fashion district..

Smurfette visiting Berlin's East Side Gallery! Posted by Picasa

I like the effects of Picasa. I hate these glasses tho'. I am so glad they are in the garbage now.
Trip to Berlin 1200euros; Glasses 5euros; walking along cobblestone prewar germany - priceless. :-) Posted by Picasa


i really was fascinated with this boat that was docked in the bay area of positano for atleast 2 days during my stay a while ago. Posted by Picasa

My Space

I am addicted to MySpace. I've neglected doing my own web page, now I spend all my time looking for 'friends' people who interest me - share interests, and what's really great about this is I am really starting to 'know me' - or rather have a clearer understanding of who I am and what I want.
Photobucket - Video and Image HostingI read all these profiles and I think,g~d this is too weird, I am not the only one or someone else out there likes the same things. its been tremendous in relieving stress from work, I get stressed, I logon, and suddenly I am among 'friends'. Okay, so its a bit stretched - for now, its better than spending money i don't have on ebay or amazon.